Tuesday, April 19, 2016



Group assignment: 1

STUDENT NAME                                                                            ID NUMBER:
Abdulfattah Saeed Mohammed                                                         110041426                                                           
Ala Mahmoodab  Abdullah Hassan                                                       110042593            

  A Mind Map is a visual thinking tool that can be applied to all cognitive functions, especially memory, learning, creativity and analysis. Mind Mapping is a process that involves a distinct combination of imagery, color and visual-spatial arrangement. The technique maps out your thoughts using keywords that trigger associations in the brain to spark further ideas.

Logical mind map(brain):

Logical Mind Map (WWW)


The Internet is doubtlessly changing current society. It has altogether adjusted how we collect information, consume news, complete war, and make and cultivate social bonds. In any case, is it changing our brains? A creating number of analysts think thusly, and studies are offering data to exhibit to it.What stays to be seen is whether the movements are awesome or horrendous, and whether the brain is, as one neuroscience considers, encountering phenomenal headway.
Informing and messaging, casual correspondence destinations and the Internet when in doubt can decidedly be said to redirect people from various assignments. In any case, what researchers are focusing on all the more over are the plastic brains of young people and energetic adults who are right now growing up with this, the propelled local people" as they're being called.
        My anxiety is that these developments are childish the brain into the state of little children who are pulled in by murmuring bustles and splendid lights, who have a little thought compass and who live for the event," said Baroness Greenfield, an Oxford University neuroscience and head of the Royal Institution, in The Daily Mail today. "I every now and again contemplate whether bona fide examination ceaselessly may over the long haul offer way to these filtered and more straightforward screen dialog, comparably as executing, cleaning and butchering an animal to eat has been supplanted by the solace of groups of meat on the store rack.
Odd likeness, yet one quality considering.
Certain brain change
     Every time conforms to change, and the brain gets used for unmistakable purposes. For old man there was the spear, the mammoth, and the stone to take spread behind. Agribusiness changed the world, as did organization. By then came unstable, the Industrial Revolution, radio, and TV suppers. Man could never be the same. Change or go on, squatting behind a stone without any colleagues, no team.
The pace snatched. Cellular telephones changed everything. Propelled cellular telephones made them give off an impression of being interested. Our brains balanced. I used to have numerous phone numbers concentrated on memory. Now that they're all in my Blackberry (and before that the Palm, backtracking 10 years now) I can review only those I'd recollected when I was a child. I don't know my wife's telephone or work number. I'm not sure what all that cerebrum cutoff is being used until further notice, other than endeavoring to focus on making segments like this while checking email a couple times and surfing from honest to goodness examination destinations to unimportant pages listing the latest condition of Jane Goody, who I'd never referred to about starting in the relatively recent past, to pursuing my hip when my stomach mumbles yet I think my phone is vibrating (a present condition called specter vibration issue.
In any case, I go astray. Besides, touching on the "Google is making us numbskull thought, explained the past summer in the Atlantic by Nicholas Carr, who observes how he used to "contribute hours strolling around long stretches out of composing. That is at times the case anymore. In a matter of seconds my obsession frequently starts to drift after a couple pages. I get fretful, lose the string, and begin scanning for something else to do. I feel as if I'm constantly dragging my wayward cerebrum back to the substance.
  In conclusion as should be obvious from the Essay the relationship between the mind and overall web (WWW) .It delineate that how human's cerebrum and the wide web associate with every others. Arbitrary words Association … .web secure .what it may hone?
Mixed threat:
  An attack solidifying different ordinary strike frameworks, like a worm, a Trojan stallion, and a key lumberjack.
 A social affair of PCs that have been bartered and brought under the control of a man.
 Software that shows publicizing substance on your PC

Trojan horse:
 A malicious task covered as genuine programming; frequently gives someone else the capacity to take remote control of your PC; may in like manner ambush data or structures.
A hardware or programming contraption, or both, that controls framework get to and trades between a framework and the Internet, or between one bit of a framework and another.
Symmetric encryption:
   An encryption methodology using the same puzzle key to scramble and scramble messages
Key logger:
  Software that screens and discovers everything a customer sorts into a PC console. Used for particular sponsorship and perception purposes.
Commonly, a person who utilizes programming capacities and particular figuring out how to increment unapproved access to PC structures for noxious or criminal purposes.

Progressed certificate:
 Digital confirmations are issued by an assertion control and contain the sender's open key notwithstanding a mechanized imprint affirming that the confirmation is sound and that the key fits in with the sender.
 An attempt to hoodwink people into uncovering mystery information, for instance, Social Security numbers and passwords.
Software that assembles information about your PC and how you use it and exchanges that information to someone else over the Internet.
 Security framework that makes information endless to any person who doesn't have a key to disentangle it; typically used to secure online purchases and diverse trades.
Propelled signature:
 Used transparently key cryptography to acknowledge the respectability of mixed data and to attest both the identity of a modernized confirmation holder and the status of the statement itself.
A program that can self-impersonate and corrupt archives, undertakings, and PC structures.
An attempt to cheat Internet surfers by telling a website's space name, or URL, and redirecting customers to an impostor webpage where tricky advances for information are made. See furthermore, URL caricaturing.
Astray encryption:
An encryption framework using a by and large disseminated open key to encode messages, and a contrasting private key with translate them.
Visit room:
An web gathering where social affairs can exchange comments continuously.
An extra copy of PC records, regularly kept physically isolate from the firsts. Key for recovery when one of a kind records are hurt or lost.



  A Web site is a related collection of World Wide Web (WWW) files that includes a beginning file called a home page A company or an individual tells you how to get to their Web site by giving you the address of their home page. From the home page, you can get to all the other pages on their site. For example, the Web site for IBM has the home page address of http://cockscomb. (The home page address actually includes a specific file name likeindex.html but, as in IBM’s case, when a standard default name is set up, users don’t have to enter the file name.) IBM’s home page address leads to thousands of pages. (But a Web site can also be just a few pages.)

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